Your use of this Shorelight Partners Advisors SA (together with its affiliates, “Your use of this ShorelightPartners Advisors SA (together with its affiliates, “Shorelight”) website operated from URL “” and the informationcontained therein (including any password-protected sections, the “Web Site”)is subject to the following terms and conditions as may be amended byShorelight from time to time (these “Terms”).
By using the Web Site you signify your consent to abide by these Terms andregulatory restrictions governing its use. On each occasion you access the WebSite you will be deemed to have accepted these Terms. If you do not acceptthese Terms, you may not use the Web Site.
About Shorelight
Shorelight is the trading name for Shorelight Partners Advisors SA, a company ShorelightPartners Advisors SA (“Shorelight”) is a limited company (Aktiengesellschaft)registered in Switzerland with its seat in Freienbach, Schwyz.
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This Web Site and its contents is not directed at, or intended for distributionto, any person who is a citizen or resident of (or located or established in)any jurisdiction where the use of this Web Site would be contrary to applicablelaw or regulation or would subject Shorelight to any registration or licensingrequirement in such jurisdiction. Persons who wish to access this Web Site arerequired by Shorelight to inform themselves about, and to observe, any legal orregulatory restrictions which may affect their eligibility to access this WebSite. Professional advice should be sought in cases of doubt.
General Conditions
Use of the Web Site in accordance with these Terms is subject to, and does notmodify or amend in any way, the terms of any applicable written agreementsbetween you or any of your affiliates or connected persons, and Shorelight orany of its affiliates.
Shorelight may terminate, change or suspend any part of the Web Site, includingany content, features, hours of availability or these Terms, at any time. Anychanges which Shorelight makes to these Terms will be effective immediatelyupon notice being posted on the Web Site. Continued use of the Web Site afterShorelight has made any such changes will signify your consent to the changes.You are bound by any such changes and should, therefore, periodically visitthis page to review these Terms.
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Use of the Web Site does not constitute a licence for you to use any trademarks, designs, get-up and/or logos of Shorelight.
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The materials on the Web Site are provided for general information purposesonly. Information on the Web Site is not offered as advice or recommendation onany particular matter and should not be treated as a substitute for specificadvice or your own due diligence. In particular, no professional, financial,securities or investment advice is offered or given by Shorelight to personsaccessing information on the Web Site. Consequently, information or opinionscontained in the Web Site must not be used for making an investment or otherbusiness decision. Advice from a suitably qualified professional should alwaysbe sought in relation to any particular matter or circumstances.
Financial Statements/Performance Information
To the extent that the Web Site contains any forward-looking statements, theywill be based on Shorelight Partner‘s opinions, expectations and projections asat the time of writing. Shorelight undertakes no obligation to update or reviseany forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ materially from thoseanticipated in any forward-looking statement.
Shorelight makes no representation, and it should not be assumed, that pastinvestment performance is an indication of future results.
Unless otherwise indicated, any information contained on the Web Site is as ofthe date indicated therein and will not be updated or otherwise revised toreflect information that subsequently becomes available, or circumstancesexisting or changes occurring after such date. The posting of any material onthe Web Site does not imply that the information contained therein is correctas of any time subsequent to the date of such material. The provision of accessto the Web Site at any time shall not, under any circumstances, create animplication that the information contained herein is correct as of any timesubsequent to the dates described above. Shorelight is under no obligation toupdate the information contained on the Web Site or to notify you of anysubsequent update to the Web Site.
Certain information contained on the Web Site (including financial informationand information relating to investments in companies) has been obtained frompublished and non-published sources prepared by other parties, which in certaincases have not been updated through the date hereof. While such information isbelieved to be reliable for the purpose used herein, Shorelight does not assumeany responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of such information, andsuch information has not been independently verified by Shorelight.
Any projections or other estimates contained in the materials that areavailable on the Web Site, including estimates of returns or performance, areforward-looking statements and are based upon certain assumptions. While madein good faith, there can be no assurance that such assumptions will provecorrect or will be applicable to any Shorelight fund’s actual investments.Actual events are difficult to project and often depend upon factors that arebeyond the control of Shorelight. To the extent that any document contained onthe Web Site describes any historical investment returns or historicalinvestment performance or provides any valuation of any investment, norepresentations are made or assurances given that such returns or performancesare or will be indicative of future investment returns or future investmentperformance or that realised value will equal or exceed any such valuations.
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The Web Site is provided “as is”. Whilst Shorelight has taken due care in thepreparation of the content of the Web Site, Shorelight cannot guarantee thatthe content is accurate or complete and no representations or warranties of anykind, either express or implied, are given in this regard. The information andopinions contained in the Web Site are provided by Shorelight and are forinformation purposes only.
You agree that Shorelight will not be liable to you or any third party for any:
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Shorelight shall not be liable to you for failure to perform any of Shorelightobligations arising out of the failure of any computer equipment ortelecommunications link nor shall Shorelight be liable to any person for anyloss or damage which may arise from the use, misuse or inability to use any ofthe information contained in any materials on the Web Site.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, this limitation of liability applies todamages of any kind, including compensatory, direct, indirect or consequentialdamages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property andclaims of third parties.
If you have accessed the Web Site using a link from another site, Shorelightdoes not accept any liability or responsibility for the accuracy of theinformation contained within sites of other providers who have links to anypages on the Web Site.
By accessing the Web Site, you agree to indemnify Shorelight and Shorelight’srespective partners, shareholders, members, managers, officers, directors,employees and agents (collectively, the “Shorelight Indemnitees”) against, andhold the Shorelight Indemnitees harmless from, any and all claims and expenses, including lawyers’ fees, arising from your use of the Web Site. You herebyrelease the Shorelight Indemnitees from any and all claims, demands, debts,obligations, damages (actual, consequential or special), costs and expenses ofany kind whatsoever that you may have against the Shorelight Indemniteesarising out of or in any way related to such disputes.
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Access to specific areas of the Web Site is restricted for reasons ofconfidentiality and, therefore, requires the use of a username and associatedpassword. The areas of the Web Site that are password protected are onlydirected at professional investors (such as large companies or institutions andother sophisticated investors with sufficient experience to understand therisks inherent in these types of investments). If you are not such an investorand have not been provided with a password by Shorelight, you should not relyon the information on these parts of the Web Site and you will not be permittedto invest in any of the products offered by Shorelight unless Shorelight issatisfied that certain thresholds have been met in accordance with applicablelaw and regulations.
If you have a username and password, you are responsible for the activitieswhich occur in connection with their use and as such should take steps toprotect them from misuse. If you become aware of any unauthorised use of, lossor theft of your username and password, immediately inform a representative ofShorelight.
The materials presented on the Web Site’s restricted areas contain materialsdisclosed.
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The Web Site may include links to third party web sites from time to time(“Third Party Sites”). Any such links are provided for your convenience andShorelight does not monitor or endorse the content of Third Party Sites. Youacknowledge and agree that Shorelight will not be responsible for theavailability of such Third Party Sites and will not be responsible or liablefor any content or services available (or unavailable) or security or privacypolicies from such Third Party Sites. You should check the Privacy Notice andterms and conditions of use of Third Party Sites accessible from the Web Site.
Furthermore, you agree not to link any of your web sites or any third party websites to the Web Site without the express prior written consent of Shorelight.
International Use
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Part of the Web Site may contain advertising and sponsorship provided by thirdparties. You agree that Shorelight will not be responsible for ensuring thatsuch material complies with relevant laws and codes and that Shorelight willnot be responsible for any error or inaccuracy in such material.
If any part of these Terms is found to be void or unenforceable, it will besevered from the rest to the extent that it does not affect the validity andenforceability of the remainder.
You may not assign, sub-license or otherwise transfer any of your rights underthese Terms.
The headings used in these Terms are for convenience only and shall not affectthe interpretation of those provisions.
Any failure or delay by Shorelight in enforcing an obligation or exercising aright under these Terms does not amount to a waiver of that obligation, orright or any other obligation or right.
These Terms are effective until terminated by Shorelight.
Governing Law
These Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Switzerland.You agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Swiss Courts.
Shorelight Partners Advisors SA 2024
All Rights Reserved